Mutual aid including delivering food, medicine, providing rides, and connecting callers with resources for food and rental assistance.

  • Location: USA>South Carolina>Columbia

 Housing Resources /  Columbia

Tri-County S.P.E.A.K.S. Sexual Assault Center (formerly People Against Rape) is a sexual assault advocacy program offering free support and services for survivors of sexual assault...

  • Location: USA>South Carolina>Charleston

 Family Violence Resource /  Charleston

We are specialists in emergency mental health care, from our innovative psychiatric urgent care program to our 24/7 emergency response team. If you or a...

  • Location: USA>South Carolina>Charleston

 Help Lines /  Charleston

Inpatient detox services, treatment, outpatient counseling

  • Location: USA>South Carolina>Columbia

 Substance Abuse /  Columbia

Inpatient detox services, treatment, outpatient counseling

  • Location: USA>South Carolina>Lexington

 Substance Abuse /  Lexington

To support and empower domestic violence and sexual violence victims and their families by providing services, reducing the tolerance of abuse, and advocating for social...

  • Location: USA>South Carolina>Columbia

 Family Violence Resource /  Columbia

We are the Midlands Largest Homeless Center providing homeless men and women ages 18 and older access to our day center, hot meals, showers, service...

  • Location: USA>South Carolina>Columbia

 Housing Resources /  Columbia

providing comprehensive support, services, and education within and beyond the walls of our shelter.

  • Location: USA>South Carolina>Columbia

 Family Violence Resource /  Columbia

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